Welcome to TravelPaws

We strive to give Handlers the certainty and confidence in every aspect of travelling with our Assistance Dogs.

Seeing Eye Dog, Walter expertly stepping out on the job. Walter (a black Labrador) walks in his blue & white harness, looking sideways at the camera guiding his Handler, Nina Smith (TravelPaws Founder & Director), visible only by her red boots.

Welcome from Nina Smith:

Audio Description:
Nina says "Hi, I'm Nina, my Guide Dog Nixon and I would like to welcome you to TravelPaws"

What TravelPaws Offers

Handler travel information

Information on the travel process, rules for specific countries, and tips & checklists.

International Handler Community

Do you want to share travel stories and learn from other handlers across the world? Join our Community.

Education and Awareness

Are you a business, service provider or member of the public? Do you want to ensure positive experiences for Handlers?

Travel Obligations and Tips

You don't have to compromise your independence, safety, security or mobility when you travel.

Leaving your Assistance Dog behind is like leaving your eyes, legs, ears, safety or security behind.
You should not be forced to leave your dog behind because the process is too hard.

Countries have different requirements, processes and exemptions for entering and leaving with an Assistance Dog.

Start with Introduction to Travel Rules then browse Travel Impacts for current topics that may impact your trip.

Find out the Travel Rules for countries on your trip.

Steps & tips for Handlers embarking on international or domestic travel, as well as information for the tourism sector on improving Handler travel experiences.

Guide Dog Nixon, relaxing but always watching. Nixon, a palomino coloured lab, is lying on a lawn in harness with his head up, attentively watching.

The TravelPaws Community

If you are a Handler of any Assistance Dog - a guide / seeing eye dog, hearing dog or medical alert/PTSD/mobility/autism assist or other service dog, we welcome your input.

TravelPaws Facebook Group

Exchange travel facts & experiences with other Assistance Dog Handlers in the TravelPaws Facebook group.

Talk to TravelPaws

Share your stories of all your travelling journeys, roadblocks you face & the joys and memories you hold for your Assistance Dogs.

Business and Public Index

Tourism Sector Checklists

If you're a business or individual involved in the tourism sector, read through our checklist range on accessible tourism to find out how best to ensure positive travel experiences for Handlers.

Guide Dog Nixon, a golden Labrador, stands with his Handler, Nina Smith (TravelPaws Founder and Director), at the water’s edge of a beach. Nixon, wearing his identifying harness, is looking out toward the ocean at a ferry in the distance. Nina is visible only by her black leggings and the bottom of her blue coat.
Guide Dog Nixon, a golden Labrador, stands with his Handler, Nina Smith (TravelPaws Founder and Director), at the water’s edge of a beach. Nixon, wearing his identifying harness, is looking out toward the ocean at a ferry in the distance. Nina is visible only by her black leggings and the bottom of her blue coat.

Interaction Principles

Check out TravelPaws' guidelines for having respectful interactions with Handlers and their Assistance Dogs, which were put together using insights from our global network of Handlers.

Public Access Campaigns

Get involved in our #StopRefusals campaign, which aims to reduce instances of Handlers being refused service by taxi and rideshare drivers by raising awareness about the public access rights of Assistance Dogs.

Nixon, a golden Labrador, stares into the camera with his head slightly cocked to one side
Guide Dog Nixon, staring into the camera anticipating his next adventure.

The TravelPaws Goal

We want Handlers to have the opportunity to TRAVEL WITHOUT BARRIERS.

TravelPaws is transforming the travel experience with your Assistance Dog by:

  • encouraging you to consider the possibilities of travel
  • connecting you with other Handlers to share experiences
  • unravelling the complex maze of official travel requirements
  • developing informative in-house resources
  • presenting all information in a digestible format
  • advocating to eliminate barriers & enable urgent travel


I would like to shout out a huge thank-you to my beautiful first Seeing Eye Dog, Walter and my dear Guide Dog, Nixon both of whom, in different ways, helped me find my passion to travel again.

Nina Smith
Founder & Director, TravelPaws.

Image description below
Seeing Eye Dog Walter, a black Labrador is standing side on in his blue and white harness, with his head turned toward the camera. His Handler, TravelPaws Founder & Director Nina Smith is kneeling behind him. She is wearing a black leather jacket and red scarf, smiling, and looking happy and proud of Walter.
Image description below
TravelPaws Founder & Director Nina Smith, sitting with her Guide Dog Nixon, in a park sharing a hug. Nina sits on some rocks wearing a blue top over a white dress with matching-coloured blue sneakers. Nixon, a golden Labrador is in his brown and white harness with an orange ‘Please Don’t Pat’ sign, gently rests his head on Nina’s lap.